Sunday, August 31, 2008

Taking a breather

I know, I know.... it's been a while since my last post. There really hasn't been much going on worth telling. Work has been hella busy for Dave and I. I have been riding every chance I get, which hasn't been much because of work and hurricanes.

I did get to ride in Thursday night for the first time in almost three weeks. Dave, Diana and I set out on our road bikes and did the Thursday "C+" route, which from my understanding is the normal Thursday route plus the Haneyville hill. It's a good 25 miles, but that day it felt like a lot more because of not riding!

I also got to ride Saturday morning. This time it was a 25 mile loop around Perry, also on the road. I know that some might think I'm loony, but I have actually missed not riding road, so that's why I chose this instead of mountain. Shane and Diana met us at the Welcome Center, and we had a good ride.

Today was church, grocery shopping, yardwork, and laundry. Really exciting stuff!

There is talk of some kind of riding tomorrow, but the jury is still out on what we will actually do.