Monday, February 25, 2008

Episode 1

Hello, and welcome to my new blog! I have been trying to maintain two blogs for a while now. Who has time for that? So, I have decided to start one that ALL of my friends can get to!

Things have been going pretty well so far this year. I'm still getting smaller, I have a got a new do, and I am riding better and stronger than ever. (Pictures to follow I promise!)

A couple of weeks ago,I went out to the local mountain bike trail to take advantage of good weather on a Saturday and I made a breakthrough. I fell down. It was a pretty good fall, too! I scrapped up the outside of my left calf, and bruised up the insides of both my legs from the impact of the bike. Again, I have pics to follow. But, I got back up and after I stopped shaking I got back on the bike and rode. I learned that I can survive a fall. The next week, I fell again. More bruises, and a few more scrapes, but that was it. All of my friends say that this is how I know I'm improving. I'm starting to push myself.

I haven't been on the road bike in quite a while. As a matter of fact, the hubby and I were supposed to do the Biking Bleckley ride this past Saturday, but we both have been sick all week, and were not able to ride. I was disappointed, but not as much as the hubs!

On the school front, I have dropped the class that I was taking this quarter. I have decided that I do not wnat to continue down the Marketing Management path anymore. I'm actually leaning toward Accounting, but haven't made any decisions yet. I'm taking Accounting 101 next quarter, so I'm going to see how it goes and then I'll make a decision over the summer.


Kathleen said...

Um, I maintain 2 journals just fine, but hey, I'm a weirdly obsessed, mutant, computer and bike freak. Welcome to blogger and I'm adding you to my list to check daily. No pressures there! ;0)

Accounting? Are you nuts? More power to you, NumbersGirl.

H.O. Blues said...

U Rock! Don't listen to Kathleen, she is in an ongoing state of denial about life's limits. Just consider your self Danish, see the 60 minutes ep on happiness to better understand this purposely obscure reference.

As one who looks at numbers all day, I would say that a career in accounting is not the worst pick. You know what they say about statisticians? If they had any personality they would have gone into accounting.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear y'all are well! Cant wait to see you both next month!

Dave said...

Welcome to blogger! The hubs is proud of how you're doing on the bike. You are already riding more than I ever thought you would, and I couldn't be happier.